1 The love of the Lord,
is the light of our lives.
2 A man without faith,
is like a fish without a tail.
4 He who stays like a child,
shall remain young forever.
7 The past cannot be altered,
but the present can be used to change the future.
8 So few people love the LORD,
they are like tiny specs of gold in a riverbed of gravel.
9 He who loves the LORD,
is as wealthy as can be.
11 Faith, love and wisdom,
shine from the eyes of one filled with the Holy Spirit.
14 Many have eyes but few can see,
many have ears but few listen,
many are alive but few are immortal.
15 It is easy to see someone who loves the LORD -
their eyes are filled with tears of joy!
18 No man is perfect in his ways,
but a wise man can learn from his mistakes.
19 The love of Jesus our Lord,
refreshes our world and cleanses our souls.
20 Jesus is the light of our world,
he overthrows all darkness forever.
21 Loneliness,
is being hidden from the LORD.
24 The sunlight finds its way,
to one who loves the light.
25 The stars in the sky shine from the heavens,
like the sparkling eyes of one with a good heart.
28 Those who cannot accept the truth,
will have their hidden sins exposed.
30 The colours in the sky at dusk,
show the beautiful tones of God’s love for us.
31 The LORD made us with playful hearts,
so we can share our joy with him.
33 The Lord Jesus Christ gives us inner strength and support,
like the bones in our bodies prevent us from collapsing.
34 There is only one God and one faith,
all that is not real is myth.
36 Let the Spirit of Jesus clear the cobwebs from your soul,
and light up the shadows of your heart.
38 Tears fill my eyes when I see you,
and my heart fills with love when I think of you.
40 He cannot be seen with our eyes,
our ears are unable to hear his voice,
but the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ can be felt in our hearts.
42 Imagine adding together the force of all the wind around the
and the light from the sun, moon and stars of the sky;
still you could not match the wonder of God.
43 The Heavenly Father is ever-present in our lives,
like the wind that never stops encircling our world.
45 One who carefully listens to guilt is able to cast away sin,
but one who suppresses his conscience diminishes his internal
47 The real light of the world,
lives inside all God’s children.
48 In order to be at peace with yourself,
you must first be at peace with God.
49 The Son of God is a sign of the LORD’S outstretched
ready to make peace with all of his children.
50 O gracious LORD,
my eyes do not have to see you,
but my heart needs to love you. AMEN
51 The Father nurses his children through life,
like a mother protects and cares for her babies.
56 How much glory the Almighty One basks in!
No man can even comprehend the level of praise he justly deserves.
57 Do not be one who just exists and then dies,
be alive with Jesus now and forever!
59 Take the blame for any arguments yourself,
and so wash away bitterness and in its place leave humility.
60 The bright sun in a colourful sky is a truly lovely sight,
but it is not as beautiful as the Spirit of God.
61 The Immortal One became mortal,
so the mortal can become immortal.
63 The Lord can see you at all times -
you cannot hide from the truth.
65 When Jesus Christ our Lord was resurrected,
a path to heaven was built for us.
68 Children of light and truth,
shall stay young, clean and fresh for eternity.
69 Do not undertake anything in private,
that will bring shame on you if known in public.
70 Evil is the pollution of purity.
71 Sanctification is the cleansing of your soul.
74 One Father,
one Son,
one life,
one chance.
76 If you welcome the Lord Jesus Christ into your life,
your destiny will far exceed any dream.
80 Do not give up eternal life for mortal pleasures,
give up mortal pleasures for eternal life.
81 For those who push the Lord away -
heaven shall be eternally out of reach.
82 The light of truth,
is the hope of salvation that comes from Jesus.
83 A fool thinks he knows everything,
but a wise man understands his limitations.
84 All of the past, present and future is inside us;
God gives us more than we can realise.
86 Those who block out the light,
are consumed by darkness.
88 There is only one path to eternity -
all others lead elsewhere.
89 Greed and envy pollute righteousness,
like spilt blood on pure driven snow.
93 If you feel like you are alone -
the LORD is there beside, behind and before you.
96 God sits upon the Throne of Grace above the stars,
yet the earth he uses as a footstool.
98 In the beginning -
something came out of nothing.
101 The LORD’S eternal spring of life,
continually renews the innocence of those who love him.
102 Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to dine in your house,
and he will give you fruit to eat from the tree of life.
103 Believe the LORD,
and he will credit it to you as righteousness.
106 If you are not on the path to heaven,
you are on the road to nowhere.
107 It is a long and hard climb up the ladder towards heaven,
you must not allow sin to cause you to slip down.
108 Lies from a deceitful mouth linger like ghosts,
they come back to haunt and bring shame upon their owner.
109 The earth is God’s hotel for mankind,
the kingdom of heaven is God’s eternal household.
110 Silence fuels the mind and calms the soul,
tranquillity is more precious than diamonds.
111 The body is merely a case for the spirit,
a vehicle for the soul and a shell for the heart.
114 A wise one remains calm and peaceful,
as agitation and haste declare foolishness.
116 Do not be blown with the wind or carried on the waves,
build your foundation on solid rock.
117 Enable Jesus Christ to purify your life,
sanctifying you by refining your ways.
118 Wisdom is the food of the mind,
and love is the food of the heart,
so eat the fruit of God and be satisfied.
119 Break free from the shackles of evil,
cast away any part of your life that causes you to sin.
122 With the Lord by your side and in your heart,
you can be successful in anything.
123 When the Holy Spirit rises up inside your soul,
it is like beautiful flowers emerging in spring.
127 Our compassionate LORD weeps for us,
his tears rain upon the earth from his eyes in heaven.
129 Accepting ones limitations,
is both humble and wise.
130 My eyes love to gaze over long distances,
while my mind tries to comprehend the size of God.
131 The eyes of the LORD are watching you now,
your every move is written down by an angel.
132 Time - is for the mortals who rush about aimlessly like scurrying
eternity - is for those who know the truth, have love in their
hearts and live at peace.
136 You have to meet the Lord Jesus Christ half way,
he will not heal someone who does not want to heal.
137 The earthly body clothes the soul,
like a garment covers the body.
138 To see the body you must look through the body,
to see the spirit you must look through the spirit.
140 Jesus Christ is the incarnate Word of the LORD,
he is now and has always been
the interface between God Almighty and mankind.
143 The moon shines down upon me while I sleep,
like an angel watching over me.
145 Do not long for what you do not have,
then the disappointment of envy will not lower your spirit.
146 The Lord Jesus Christ is the Craftsman of Life,
he will give you the tools you need to carry out God’s work.
148 Make room in your life for me,
as there is room in my heart for the love of every man.
149 Do not weep because of what goes before your eyes,
but concern yourself with what is seen by the soul.
152 The LORD God’s love for us is plain to see,
it is written in the sky above.
153 At Jesus’ command the heavens open,
and the love of God rains down upon the earth.
154 Live each day as if it were your last,
so when your final day arrives you will be prepared.
155 The tone of a heart can be seen through the eyes,
the mouth can lie but the eyes always tell the truth.
156 Those who know and love Jesus walk straight and true,
but the faithless run around in circles.
160 The river of life is God’s love,
constantly flowing downstream to all our hearts.
161 There is only one church of God through Christ,
all the differences between the sections are man made and so mean
163 Not all of your hopes and dreams will come true,
take heart though as the Lord will never let you down,
and is always there for you.
167 Losing faith is like as a small child losing your parents
in a thick crowd,
you know they are closeby but cannot see them whichever way you
169 The light in the sky above,
overshadows everything on the earth below.
170 Jesus Christ -
is the name of love.
173 When you need to say something to the Lord you do not have
to speak in words,
simply feel it in your heart and he will understand.
176 You have to look at life in a positive way and not worry
about trivial things,
let God’s love light up every area of your life.
177 Keep the LORD in your mind,
and walk with him all the days of your life.
180 Every stone in this wall of life and truth has come from
the Rock,
that is the LORD.
182 Let God’s love flower inside you,
like the fresh days of spring.
183 Thank you LORD for when the sun is shining,
when life is glowing and the love is flowing freely. AMEN
184 The Lord Jesus cannot save someone who does not want to be
so believe and repent and you will be forgiven.
185 With Jesus Christ, our Father has opened a door for us,
whether you walk through it or not is up to you.
186 If you wish to know more about God then look up into the
sky -
this sea of beauty which engulfs our world!
190 The air is filled with the grace of God,
breathe it in and live forever!
191 Once you have found Lord Jesus,
you need never lose him,
for he is always there in your heart.
195 Whenever you are unsure as to believe something or not,
simply let your heart be the judge.
197 We are all perched on the edge of a cliff and could fall
at any moment,
so be thankful to God for every second of your life.
198 The wonder of life is beyond our understanding;
what mind can comprehend the power and glory
surrounding the Good LORD Above!
200 Doubts of the faith emerge from the mind,
like blood leaking out from within the body.
203 Whenever you are frightened take courage in knowing that
Jesus is with you,
he is a surrounding shield protecting you from any harm.
204 If you follow and love the Son,
the Father will protect and care for you.
207 God blesses our lives with joy, hope and love;
without God life is merely existence.
208 As surely as I made the heavens and the earth,
I am with you all the days of your life.
210 If you want to find eternal love and happiness,
seek the LORD and his Son Jesus.
211 I am only a small child,
I can do nothing by myself,
still the LORD raises me up above all the earth!
212 You have to climb the mountain to reach the top,
so face up to your doubts and conquer them.
213 Lord, your wisdom is like a deep ocean that has no shore,
and your love overflows out of the heavens.
217 In Jesus, the largest spirit was concentrated into one man;
now though, his presence fills all of heaven and earth!
219 Time when I am not thinking about you Lord is like wasted
so be on our minds and in our hearts always and forever.
220 The very beginning of the LORD is the foundation of all knowledge
and wisdom,
understand how God came into being and conquer the source of doubts.
222 On a clear day you can see a long way,
so lift the grey cloud from your mind and let the true faith shine
from within.
223 The ones who know the most,
realise how little they know.
225 Everything is traceable back to its origin,
this is how it is understood that everything started with nothing.
227 The fact that the world is here now,
is a testimony proving the existence of its creator - God.
228 While you are climbing up the steep slope to heaven,
do not look back down to see where you have been;
keep on climbing higher and joyfully think of where you are going.
229 The Presence of the LORD can be felt all around the world,
so the Spirit of God completely surrounds and engulfs the earth.
230 Always remain humble with the innocence of a child,
and remember that everyone is better than you in some ways.
233 Lift up your soul and float on God’s Spirit,
like a bird flying on the air.
235 Life is simply magical,
reality is stranger than dreams.
236 Come out of the whirlpool and sit down on the shore,
let God’s love calm your soul with peace and tranquillity.
238 Look across the land and see the work of God;
imagine the heavens filled with God’s Spirit.
Believe in the truth while you still have a chance.
240 My heart is a sanctuary for the love of Jesus,
the light of God is an eternal sanctuary for my heart.
241 The LORD is there with you,
as surely as the stars shine brightly on the earth he made.
244 Try not to let your life pass away,
enjoy being in wonderland and thank God wholeheartedly.
246 For God to hear your prayers you need not make a sound,
as the LORD does not hear with ears of flesh.
249 Like the wind blows the petals from a flower,
so the days of your life shall never return.
250 It is you Jesus who puts the shine in my eyes,
the joy in my heart and the smile on my face!
251 How you use your heart and soul is more important to God,
than where you take your body.
255 The wisdom of God fills the heavens,
and overflows between the stars.
256 The whole world is immersed in God’s love,
like a ball of life suspended in the depths of an ocean.
258 A wise soul is a still soul,
but a flustering spirit can be foolish.
259 God is all around us, nourishing us with his love;
like the air that we breathe, we need him to stay alive.
260 The highest mountains are like specs of dust compared with
the LORD,
as he sits on the stars and treads on the oceans as if they were
small puddles.
262 The ungodly are in a maze of confusion,
they have no idea what lies around the corner for them.
263 Count yourself lucky and thank God for everything you have,
never feel sorry for yourself for what you do not have.
264 Man came from God,
so there is good in all men.
265 Seek the truth and find faith,
seek faith and find love.
266 God is pure and good,
there is no-one like him in all the earth.
267 Life is like a dream,
and I never want to wake up!
269 There is a bright light in the world that our eyes cannot
God is always there with you,
although he lives in another dimension.
274 The stale aged traditions have fallen to the grave,
and a new breed of O so joyful love have risen to life!
277 The LORD loves a joyful spirit,
like a bird loves to fly.
278 Your love flows to me O God, like an eternal stream,
constantly refreshing and cleansing me from within.
279 Lower your hearts and lay your pride to rest,
throw off your chains and float up into the sky!
Come join me in paradise.
280 The texture of my love is similar to the clouds;
the light shines through me and I float around the world!
281 Words of the Lord can be heard from deep within,
they are silent thoughts which you know have not originated in
your own mind.
283 I am just like an empty cage - hollow and useless;
but the river of Jesus flows right through me and onto the paper.
284 May our hearts be healthy like the flourishing fields,
and our souls evergreen because of your love.
285 All who look for the truth with open eyes shall see the face
of God.
But if you close your heart, soul and mind to your Maker,
how is he supposed to show you his love?
286 If you refuse the light of God -
a grey cloud will hang over you day and night,
shadowing you for all your troubled existence.
288 The ungodly go where their lives take them,
the godly take their lives where they want it to go.
289 I am your Father and you are my child.
I am by your side and holding your hand.
292 Praise be unto Jesus Christ!
His mother is mankind
and his Father is the LORD our God. AMEN
293 It was the LORD who breathed life in through your nostrils,
and you shall die when he removes your breath.
294 Take heed of these words all you who struggle without God
If you turn to the LORD your Maker,
he will scatter the clouds in your mind,
and the light of truth will at last be able to break through and
shine on you.
296 If you have no faith, you have no hope;
but those who have true faith, have everything.
299 The LORD’S love is silent and invisible,
but surely it is the most beautiful thing in our world!
302 O Lord, break through the barriers in my faith,
and come right into my soul.
Let me feel overwhelmed by your love,
and amazed at your compassion.
303 It is easy to see how much the Lord loves me,
he gives me so much when I deserve so little.
305 An ungodly nation is like a classroom of children who have
thrown out their teacher;
they learn nothing and have no chance in passing the test.
306 The LORD graces our world like still waters;
he is the sustainer of life.
308 How fool-hardy you unbelievers of the truth are;
one false step and you fall into the grave.
311 Rays of light shining through the clouds
point to the hidden sun,
like the earth, moon and stars
declare the existence of their Maker.
313 Never waste a precious day,
or death will seem to catch you up too soon.
314 My flesh is transparent to the eyes of truth,
so I do not have to pour my heart out for God to see its contents.
315 Above every grey cloud is a shining sun,
as from my loneliness came God’s sympathetic love.
318 Words of God are like rays of sunshine
on a cloudy day;
the love of God is like a revitalising rain shower
on drought stricken land.
320 My heart is an open book to the LORD,
he can see every word in a glance.
322 Clear your mind and then fill it with thoughts of God;
empty out your heart and pour in God’s love
till it overflows over the brim.
323 To a Christian a cross is the sign of life,
for all others though it is a sign of death.
325 Every day brings forth new joy for the alive in Christ,
but the godless exist by mundane repetition.
326 I am like a bird in the air,
I fly gracefully through life,
like a bird gliding over the earth on God’s love.
329 The only shame about nudity is that it is thought to be shameful.
It is an insult to our Designer that our flesh must be covered
The LORD our Maker thinks of us like a mother thinks of her babies.
330 How good it is to love the Lord,
even more so to receive his love!
332 Never let your faith be in competition with another’s,
instead learn what you can from everyone whether much or little;
learn from each other and so share your good fortunes.
334 I know my path is the right one,
because I am led by my God’s gentle hand.
335 I can see the face of God,
I can see the face of Christ,
and there is a tear on his cheek,
as your love is so precious to him.
342 Without the Lord your flame stops burning,
like a fire without any fuel.
343 Do not be hasty like mortals,
for a Christian has an everlasting supply of time.
344 As surely as the Lord Jesus is alive and at work in the world,
it is he who has written this book.
345 The Heavenly Father holds all of his children in his arms;
comforting and protecting, loving and caring,
he keeps all of them close to his heart.
347 The body is just made out of flesh and blood,
but a spirit consists of love, faithfulness and wisdom.
348 From violence comes guilt,
and with innocence is peace.
349 When the Lord forgives you,
he washes away your sins and guilt,
and leaves you feeling free and innocent.
352 Take a step back and think about how the world came into
Be still and quiet, your mind at rest and your soul in peace.
Now you are ready to begin praying slowly.
353 The fields in the valleys and the trees in the distance -
my eyes love to see them,
and my heart loves to look at this world.
354 Do not dwell on the past too long,
as the future is fast becoming the present.
356 Look around at the world and marvel at its splendour;
every creation of God is perfectly formed.
The wonder of life is simply amazing!
358 You have to experience the bad
to appreciate the good;
otherwise all good things would seem ordinary
and you would never praise the LORD.
359 Those who think they are knowledgeable and wise,
are the biggest fools of all.
360 Wisdom brings sorrow,
but foolishness brings death.
363 There is no need to be nervous in this life;
trust in the Lord and he will be your strength and courage.
364 Love is pure
and hope is divine.
365 Love and innocence uplift the heart,
and cause the eyes to shine.
369 A noise in the ear kills a thought,
but peace and quiet nourish the soul.
370 Better to be alone and pure,
than to be defiled by friends ungodly ways.
372 I am a soldier of Christ,
walking into the battlefields of evil
every day of my life.
374 I love you LORD,
like a bird loves to fly!
377 A tired body confuses the mind,
so stay alert by resting well.
378 Love to a soul
is like water to a flower.
380 For your teaching to be accepted you must -
put heart into your thought
and thought into your words.
383 It is hard to think of the LORD when doing something ungodly;
even sleeping is more productive,
and chasing after the wind more worth while!
384 There is no barrier between man and God
other than your own selfish desires.
387 The LORD is my strength and my shield;
without him I am but a small and helpless child,
but with him I am like a mighty warrior.
388 The sky looks beautiful from below,
how much more so from heaven above!
389 Love between a man and a woman is so wonderful;
two people’s loneliness slain with one arrow.
390 How amazing the LORD is -
he looks down upon the whole earth
and yet can see each of our tiny bodies
and read every one of our thoughts,
all at the same time.
393 Opinions change like clouds in the sky,
washed away like sand on a beach.
Beliefs are eroded by doubt,
blown away like dust in the wind.
But the truth stays the same forever,
it holds firm in its place like the Rock.
394 Love increases the spirit,
like a tree grows with water.
395 As surely as the world is turning,
justice will come around for all.
396 Righteousness is graceful
like a high swaying tree,
and a powerful weapon
like a sharp double-edged sword.
399 Life on earth makes me weary,
but I am strengthened from heaven.
402 Life is so hard without the Lord,
but fortune shines on those who love him.
405 Do not walk along the ground like those complaining mortals;
let my love lift you into the air,
and my hand pull you up into heaven,
drawing you ever closer to my side.
406 Thinking brings peace and lengthens the life,
but complacent fools die all too soon.
408 Do not struggle in vain for what is only temporary and worthless,
instead strive for that which is everlasting and priceless;
as thanks to Lord Jesus, eternal life is within everyone’s
409 I tell you the truth,
nothing is more important than considering how you are here.
411 Like a soldier in battle loses sight of his king,
so your mind cannot always concentrate on God.
412 If your mind lacks understanding,
then your words will lack wisdom;
so hold your tongue and limit your speech,
before you bring trouble upon yourself.
416 The good hearted are surrounded by peace,
like still waters encircling an island;
but the wicked ride on treacherous seas,
with no hope of reaching the shore.
419 The sword of the Lord’s judgement
swings for justice;
it cuts straight and true,
slaying the wicked and protecting the good.
420 The world is so big, but to the LORD it is just like a small
he formed it in his hands and turns it in his palm.
424 The more I love you Lord,
the more I love life itself.
425 Arguing brings abundant guilt,
but making up brings peace.
426 He who can forgive others
lives in peace,
but the accusing fool is condemned to turmoil.
428 As surely as the sky is above us, so is the LORD;
like clouds roam over the earth, so does he who made it.
431 Every eye lights up at the sun;
how much more so when they see the light of God!
433 Shame is in the mind and not on the body,
as clothes are only superficial.
435 The Lord Jesus is my Rock, he never moves away;
he never flees from my company, nor leaves me alone.
He can be found easily as he is right behind me;
he is always there for me.
437 Without the Lord life is stale and tasteless,
but with him everything is fresh and clean
like the new days of spring.
438 Jesus Christ is the light in the world;
if you cannot see it, then you dwell in darkness.
He is a lifeline thrown to all the drowning;
if you do not accept it, you will surely die.
449 To God a day is like a second,
and our lives last only an instant.
451 The LORD our God is everywhere;
there is nowhere you can sit in the whole world
without him being right beside you.
453 Small children do not realise how much their parents worry
about them,
like mankind is largely unaware of his loving Father.
456 I never have to say goodbye to Jesus,
as he never leaves me, nor I him.
458 Like a plant withers without water,
so the faithless are destined to perish;
but those who drink from the springs of God’s love,
will grow healthily for ever.
461 Like a cup is empty without water,
so a man’s heart should be filled with God’s love.
463 Lies are utterly cheap and worthless,
but the truth is more precious than gold.
465 Like a drowning man needs to come up for air,
you will die if you are starved of God’s love.
469 The Father loves watching his children play;
their innocence and joy give him so much pleasure!
472 The LORD is good to those who love him,
but still loves those who do not.
473 My honour comes from knowing the Lord
and all my glory goes to him.
474 Your hearts are the new temple for God.
A building is just made out of stones,
but a heart is built with love.
476 A man who says there is no God is like -
a pot saying it was not formed,
and a child saying it had no parents.
479 Some days are harder to believe than others,
and these are the days that we need God the most.
481 God gives you pain to protect your body
and guilt to protect your soul.
482 Knowing the LORD and loving him
go hand in hand.
484 A moth mistakes any lamp for the moon,
and flies around in circles in utter bewilderment;
like mankind is confused by false religions.
488 Like the stars in the sky are too numerous to be counted,
so are the pure white chambers of heaven.
490 When speaking with others, the wise are -
quick to listen and slow to reply.
494 Those who are worthy of receiving God’s blessings believe
they are unworthy,
but those who think they deserve his gifts really do not.
499 Like a large bird gracefully spreads out its wings,
and a strong tree boldly spreads out its branches;
so the LORD spreads out his protecting arms
over his loving children,
and nothing can get through to harm them.
502 How wonderful it is to know the Lord;
even when my eyes see darkness
my heart sees light.
503 In heaven the sky is milky white
and the floor looks like ice.
Love is everywhere and flows around
like the winds on earth.
To a soul it is paradise,
to the LORD it is home.
507 I yearn for God’s love,
like a root reaches for water.
509 Try your best for the LORD,
and you will always be good enough for him.
510 I am like a pen in the hand of God,
he moves me and I write down his words.
515 Be close to God
and far from harm.
520 The wise think in terms of what they are yet to learn,
and do not take pride in how much they know already.
522 I belong to the One who made me,
my Heavenly Father;
and to Jesus Christ my Lord,
who paid for my life with his blood.
524 I walked all around the world
and then I realised,
that what I was searching for
was right here in my heart
all the time,
and his name is Jesus.
525 Live every day as if it were your last,
so when the Lord comes for you,
you will be ready.
526 The larger something is,
the more gracefully it moves;
the stronger something is,
the more majestically it moves.
So how graceful and majestic is the LORD God Almighty,
whose greatness cannot be contained in the heavens!
530 Do not sacrifice the permanent for the temporary,
the precious for the worthless,
or the future for the present.
532 Cast your mind up to heaven
and think of the Lord,
for he is always thinking of you.
537 Open your heart to love
and there you will find the Lord!
540 The Lord Jesus reaches out a hand for you to hold;
if you do not grab hold of it
your life will slip away.
541 If a man owns a goat, he owns its milk as well;
if a man has a chicken, its eggs belong to him also.
So everything that you have belongs to your Maker.
543 Every prayer renews my youth
and every sunrise restores my hope.
548 Accepting your fate is a sign of wisdom,
and suffering in silence is highly honourable.
551 It is Lord Jesus who gives you the gift of faith,
all you have to do is accept it.
553 Praise be to God our Father!
He is slow to blame
and swift to bless.
555 If you trust in the Lord -
even the bad things are for good reasons.
558 The earth is a school
and Christ is the Teacher.
559 The LORD your God is an ocean of love -
all love comes from him and returns to him also.
563 The ungodly gamble with their lives
and they lose everything.
566 If you close your eyes
you will never see the sunshine,
if you close your ears
you will never hear the truth.
569 You can trust in God
for he is trustworthy,
you can love him
for he is lovely.
572 Preach the word of God throughout all the world;
for when the harvest is plentiful
the farmer is delighted.
573 The Holy Spirit lifts you up from inside,
like an angel with wings!
577 To know Jesus is to know life,
to ignore him is to accept death.
578 I am touched by the Holy Spirit
and I am moved to tears!
579 I looked into the sky and saw grey clouds mixed in with white,
and it was a reflection of the earth.
580 God has one Son -
we have one faith.
584 The Son of God is the foundation on which the world was built;
he is the cornerstone of life itself.
586 There are two types of people in the world -
those who know and love Lord Jesus,
and those who do not;
those who are waiting to enter life,
and those who are waiting to die.
592 The Light came into the world
and the shadows were exposed.
593 I walked through the streets
and streams of people rushed past me,
like a river running down to the sea - into the depths of the
595 If money rules in your heart,
then you are poor indeed.
599 What price is hope,
and to what can it be compared?
The Lord Jesus has given hope to us all,
and he paid for it with his blood.
604 Be happy to carry your cross for the Lord;
for the more you suffer for him on earth,
the more you will be blessed in heaven.
606 Without my spirit my body could not live,
without my faith my spirit could not live.
610 The blood of Christ was spilt for you.
If you believe in him, it washes you clean;
if you do not believe in him, it stains your soul with guilt.
612 In order to live forever,
you must be born and born again.
613 I love you Jesus,
you are the life inside me.
616 Listen to the wind;
feel the emotion that it carries to you.
Watch how the trees react to it,
and how the birds float on its motion.
There are many lessons to learn in the wind,
as well as in everything God has made.
617 I am not wise apart from the Spirit which is in me;
I am not good apart from the love which is alive in me.
618 If you want to live,
you must turn from evil.
619 I can hear angels singing in my soul,
I can see God smiling in my heart;
the love of the Lord is my comfort and strength.
621 Since Jesus Christ our Lord conquered this world,
there is nothing that can separate those who believe in him
from God’s love.
624 God is alive and so is his only Son Jesus.
Doubts may undermine your faith,
but they can never alter the truth.
629 The truth is this:
everybody has committed sins,
but only those who believe in and love Lord Jesus
will be forgiven for them.
630 Your heart and soul is a holy temple for the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you shut the doors to him,
your life will be empty and your hope derelict.
631 Like the body is lifeless without the spirit,
your spirit will die without love for Christ.
632 Real beauty is invisible,
and comes from deep within the heart.
633 The Lord is my love and my life,
my hope and my salvation.
639 When you love someone,
it is nice to know that they have been thinking of you;
the LORD loves you,
so think of him and make him happy.
641 While I have strength in these bones
I’ll work for the Lord.
642 I am ashamed of the past,
but hopeful for the future.
643 The ignorant follow the blind
and they are all led astray.
644 Why do you put off repentance until tomorrow,
when you could die today?
647 Smother me in your arms,
shelter me from all harm;
I was weak,
but with you I am strong.
I will love you all my life,
my dear Lord Jesus Christ.
648 There is no love without tears.
649 Faith in Jesus brings hope,
and hope brings joy.
651 Your flesh is born of man,
but your spirit is born of God.
653 My body works,
but my heart loves;
my body dies,
but my heart lives.
654 Soldiers of Christ fight for truth;
not with violence but with peace,
not by killing but by awakening.
655 If you run away from faith,
you’ll end up in the grave.
657 Look out unto the world and behold - it is real!
What mind can grasp reality?
660 Emotion pours from my soul,
salt drips from my eyes;
for I can feel the love of the Lord!
662 My heart is touched by your love;
my soul is overjoyed, because you care for me?
663 I feel like I belong in heaven,
and I am only down here temporarily to work for my Lord.
664 Those who are in heaven
are above those who are in the body,
and so it shall be at the end.
669 Be like an elephant in regard to your faith:
be strong and majestic, yet graceful and splendid;
and never forget the One who gave you life.
671 The most important hour of your life
is your last one.
672 I do not want to run through life with my eyes closed;
I want to see where I am going,
I want to think about everything,
and make the most of what God has given me.
674 This book is everything to me:
it is what I eat for and what I drink for,
what I sleep for and what I wake up for,
what I relax for and what I work for,
what I live for and what I would gladly die for.
Serving the Lord is a great honour and privilege;
working for the truth is a reward in itself.
675 Do not let the past catch up with you;
keep moving towards the future,
leaving sins behind and hope ahead.
676 Every morning when I wake up,
I am bewildered that I am alive!
680 You may become lost if you leave your Father’s side,
so fix your mind on him and never let go of his hand.
681 When you sin, you wound your purity;
and you feel guilt, the pain of the soul.
684 Read the bible
and learn the truth.
685 Man pollutes the world
and the world pollutes man.
687 I am a spirit living in a material world,
no wonder I feel out of place!
691 Loving and living
are almost the same.
692 Love is holy, love is true;
I love God and he loves you.
Love is unselfish, love is unafraid;
love is light in a world of shade.
693 The Lamb of God
has become the shepherd of his people.
698 Christ is the perfect example for us to follow;
it is wise to walk in his ways.
699 Love is a spiritual emotion;
it is the sincere feeling that one spirit has for another.
It is the most beautiful thing in the world.
It is the water of life -
without love a spirit dries up,
and its hope and joy wither away.
Love is good and pure, the complete opposite of evil.
God is the origin of love, as all good things come from him;
and loving God is the most rewarding thing we can do.
701 The body may rest
but the spirit never sleeps.
702 The more the understanding,
the stronger the faith.
703 Go only where the Spirit takes you,
and Jesus will lead you into heaven.
705 Thinking of God and thanking God,
are almost the same.
711 The compassion of God overpowers my heart,
like sunshine bursting through the clouds.
712 Only the Prince of Peace
can calm a restless soul.
713 Rays of sunshine pierce through the clouds,
like strings of light on a harp in the sky;
their beauty points to heaven
and it is music to my eyes.
714 The eyes of the Lord are like blazing suns in the sky;
they watch everything I do
and light up my life.
720 All God’s children are here for a reason,
and their jobs are equally important,
no matter how small or great.
721 Sharing is a beautiful thing;
it is an act of love,
a sacrifice pleasing to the LORD.
724 If you believe that you are alive,
then you must also believe in your Maker.
728 Hope in anything from this world is short-lived,
as nothing physical lasts forever.
730 You either believe in Jesus
or in your own death.
731 Sacrifice the temporary for the permanent,
but never the permanent for the temporary.
732 Take a step back and think of the Lord;
for you have to keep your eyes open
to make the most of the journey.
735 A follower of Christ is a Christian,
and that is all there is to it.
737 If you want to be an angel,
you must act like an angel.
740 My mind is full of wonder,
my heart is full of love,
my eyes are full of tears,
for somehow I am alive!
744 The love of God
is water to a dry, dry world.
745 You must renew your faith with constant prayer,
otherwise the lies of doubt will corrode your belief
and tarnish the truth.
746 Faith is the food of life;
you must eat its fruit
in order to keep your strength up.
749 I feel at home when I am near the Lord,
but lost when I am far from him.
752 A Christian’s life is spent walking boldly forth
into the welcoming arms of love.
754 When all hope is gone,
all that is left is a lonely feeling.
755 If you believe in the Lord,
you can trust in your destiny;
and feel comforted by knowing that whatever happens,
is meant to happen.
756 Stand tall and strong
like the highest mountain,
and never sink down to the level of the world.
757 Heaven is near,
if you look with your soul
you can see angels all around!
758 Earthly water cleans the earthly body,
but the water of life cleans the inside of the dish.
761 All good things are in all people
and all bad things are in all people,
but in varying amounts.
762 Better to be the least in heaven
than the most in this world.
764 Open hearts fill with love,
but callous ones are empty and dry.
766 I am alive,
so I thank you Father;
I will always be alive,
so I thank you Jesus.
768 Love fills the heavens
and surrounds the earth.
769 My body is cold,
but my heart is warm;
my body is vulnerable,
but my spirit is strong;
my body will die,
but I will live on for ever.
772 There is no joy without hope
and no hope without faith.
774 Spiritual light shines brightly from God,
like the sun in another dimension.
775 Wisdom lasts forever
in those who love the Lord.
779 Lies may cover over the truth,
but they cannot change it.
781 You cannot learn without thinking.
784 If you have faith in God and trust him completely,
there is no need to worry about anything.
785 Peace is the mother of wisdom
and the father of thought.
789 You are wise to think you are foolish,
but foolish to think you are wise.
790 The more I learn and the wiser I become,
the more amazed I am at being alive!
792 The Holy Spirit is the Good Messenger.
He comes into my heart and brings with him words from the Lord.
He leaves behind pure love and joy sent from God,
which light up my spirit forever!
793 See how I love you, my special child!
I make the birds fly over your head, in honour of you;
I make the trees sway gently in the wind, because it is
pleasing to you;
I move the clouds out of the way, so the sunlight can
cheer your soul;
but most of all I give you my Holy Spirit,
to teach you and to show you the full extent
of my love for you.
795 Everything your eyes can see,
will disappear in time.
797 The Lord Jesus is your only saviour;
if you ignore him,
who’s going to save you when you breathe your last?
798 I can see the light in heaven!
It breaks through the barricade of darkness
and shines down upon the earth.
Praise be to the Eternal God,
the Creator of All Things,
the Origin of Life,
and the Heart of Love!
800 The Book of Truth is a beautiful tree which is full of leaves.
I sit with my Lord in the shade under the canopy,
and wait for each and every leaf to fall into my open hands.
801 Life is for learning,
joy is for sharing,
and love is for-giving.
802 When the Holy Spirit enters the soul,
he clears the way for love and truth.
804 It is like most people live in a shell,
and they never come out to see what the world is really like.
807 How precious are words of truth
and rewarding are acts of love!
810 My body may be dust,
but my spirit is made of love.
811 The least in heaven
is always the last one who entered,
as everyone in heaven is constantly growing.
813 Love is the light of the soul.
It warms the heart
like sunlight warms the face.
814 Love is special, love is bright,
love is comfort in the dead of night.
Love is warm as God is near;
it conquers all my doubts and fears.
818 It is better to live with God for just one special day,
than to spend a lifetime in darkness and in chains.
821 The leaves are laughing in the wind;
the birds are merry in the sunshine.
The trees are old and wise;
even though they sometimes sway from side to side,
they never move, but stand tall and proud.
827 When I feel lonely:
I am like a light that nobody sees
and a sound that nobody listens to.
829 I have lived for a thousand years
and cried a flowing stream of tears.
Life is hard on the soft-hearted,
but my love for God always sees me through.
830 The earth is the ultimate school,
where God sends all of his children to learn,
and to grow with spirit and with love,
in order to prepare them for eternal life.
The lessons are sometimes painful;
but the harder the lesson, the more will be learnt.
The foolish waste their time in the world,
but the wise take life seriously.
831 The truth is there with you all the time;
all you have to do is look and you will see,
or ask and you shall understand.
834 The truth is simple,
but lies are complicated.
835 Like schoolchildren run riot while the teacher is absent,
the ungodly do as they please,
for they think that no-one is watching them.
839 Relax your tongue
and exercise your mind.
840 If you are ever confused in this life
and do not know which way to turn:
walk towards the light.
841 Happiness does not come from ungodly ways;
it only comes from true love.
844 The LORD God is all around us,
for we live in his heart.
847 We hope for the future
and cope with the present.
850 Crying makes you stronger,
as tears are more powerful than wine.
851 The eyes say more than the mouth.
853 When your mind is spinning around, your thoughts are confused
and ineffective;
so you must be still in order to think clearly.
854 The heart wounds deeper than the flesh.
855 To hope is fine,
but to expect is foolish.
856 The Holy Spirit does not come in drops,
it comes in rivers and in downpours,
in waterfalls and in fountains,
and it floods my heart with true faith!
857 The Lord is the Artist of Creation.
The contrast in colours in the sky and on the earth
are so beautiful -
they take my breath away!
859 The miracle of nature
is just one of the things that the Lord should be praised for.
861 When we love someone -
we share their pain
and we feel their suffering,
and it hurts far more than our own.
863 Faith can be distracted by the ways of this world,
and the important things in life can be dissolved in the trivial.
864 A break in the clouds,
a burst of golden brightness,
searchlights reaching down to the earth;
the power of light cannot be contained!
865 You are always naked before the LORD,
for he sees everything.
867 Never let your faith fall to the ground
like raining autumn leaves.
869 Dry religion chains you to burdensome traditions,
but real faith is like a beautiful flower
opening in the spring sunshine.
871 You can feel what anyone is feeling, simply by looking at
By the shine in their eyes,
by the expression on their face,
by the posture of their body,
and by the way that they move.
Also by listening to them;
by the things that they say,
by the way in which they speak,
and by the tone in their voice.
The best way though, to sense the emotion in the soul of another,
is to feel it through your own heart.
Have faith in your intuition
and learn from the aura of your fellow-spirits.
874 The Lord Jesus is in your heart
and you are in his.
He is with you in Spirit
all your life.
He feels your every emotion
and suffers your every pain.
All because the love he has for you is so great.
So never try to exclude him from your life,
but open your eyes to him
and he will show you the truth,
open your heart to him always
and he will show you his divine love.
877 The Holy Spirit is the builder of a perfect relationship
between man and God.
God receives praise, love and companionship from his children;
and his children receive his love and help all through their lives,
and endless life through his beloved Son Jesus.
878 The stronger the faith,
the less the fear.
881 An opinion cannot change a fact,
nor can a doubt change the truth.
882 If you do not know and love God,
then your life is no more than a dream,
in which you have no idea that you are asleep.
886 The gift of belief
is the key to understanding.
889 When I die and leave this body,
I shall go with a smile on my face;
for I will be leaving this world,
to enter a much better place.
892 When we are born,
God gives us a small piece of his own spirit.
That is why he is our Father
and he loves us like little children.
893 Fix the image of Christ before you
and walk straight ahead,
through the gates of heaven.
895 Your eyes are jewels of light,
so let the love of God shine through them
to show the world your inner happiness!
896 Doubts arise in lowly minds,
but high spirits soar above them.
897 Let the sunshine in your soul,
for a raindrop turns the world upside-down.
898 All of your indiscretions are visible to God,
like the sun exposes the moon.
900 I love all of my children
with all of my heart.
901 When you pray to the Lord:
may your lips be still
and your heart be moved!
903 When I wake up from my sleep,
it is like I am continuing on with my dreams,
but in a new and special way.
908 This world is hard on the body,
this life is tough on the soul.
909 Like a son should respect his father,
everyone should respect and honour the LORD God;
for from him came everything and everyone.
913 I reach out for you Lord Jesus;
you’re in the air,
you are everywhere,
you’re in my heart,
and from the start,
you were with our Father
in heaven above.
915 The eyes of the Lord
are focused on all things.
917 In every heart
there is love and goodness,
for in mud
there is water,
and in the night
there are stars.
918 Where there is God
there is glory,
and with the Lord
is always love!
919 Come out of the shadows
and step into the light,
and feel the joy that comes
from leading a better life!
921 Believing in God is the easy part of my faith.
Comprehending the miracle of creation
and understanding that I am alive -
that is the hard part.
922 If you aim for the sky
you are sure to reach higher.
926 I love you Lord.
You are the light in my soul,
the love in my heart,
the joy in my life,
and my best friend!
927 God cares for all mankind
as if he were his own small child.
930 God made man to love him!
931 The Lord is my friend,
he takes me by the hand
and helps me through my life.
932 Man’s richest blessings
come not in this life.
934 Every man has only blessings and faults,
as all one’s goodness is given from God.
937 Light shines from within my soul,
warmth glows through my eyes,
comfort and joy have made a home in my heart;
for the love of the Lord is my chosen path.
943 God gave us life,
God gave us love,
God gave us his world,
God gave us his Son;
but all we have ever given him is tears.
946 Every man is blind
and must find his way through this life
by bumping into many obstacles.
948 You cannot see the wind,
but you can see its effects and you can feel its power.
So it is with the LORD.
949 The Lord is my light.
When I am with him I am awake and alive!
He is the sun that shines above me;
his presence is the day and his absence is the night.
When I am not with him I am asleep and dreaming,
waiting for a new day to dawn.
953 All the pleasures of the world
may taste sweet at first,
but they soon turn bitter
and become hard to swallow.
954 Let the wind gently blow away your impurities;
let the sun cast its light upon your shadows;
let the love of the Lord refresh your soul,
refill your heart, and renew your life.
955 I feel the pain of all my children.
I suffer along with you.
956 The Lord your God wants two things for you:
that you may know how much he loves you,
and that you may love him too.
958 There are many sides to a man’s nature,
like a tree looks different from every angle.
960 God our Father has the biggest heart of all!
His compassion for us surrounds the earth,
his love fills the heavens,
and his goodness and mercy reach out farther than the stars.
962 There is no life except through God,
and no eternal life except through Jesus.
964 Every day draws me closer,
every step draws me nearer,
not to the end of my life,
but to the beginning,
since our Lord Jesus Christ turned my life around!
965 The Father invented laughter
and then he gave it to his children as a special gift.
966 Be still - and watch the world go by,
be quiet - and think of God.
969 The problems of man are in this world,
the solutions are in heaven.
970 There is nothing like a prayer.
974 I have prepared a place for those who believe in my Son,
to stay in my house forever.
975 Let God be a part of your family,
as you are a special part of his.
976 Most people pass by your eyes and then are gone,
never to be seen again.
Not so in heaven though,
as you can meet everyone and be greeted warmly with love;
for no-one is in a rush and everyone has time for you.
977 No-one is lonely in heaven,
as everyone there loves everyone.
980 The LORD is older than the stars
and yet newer than the early-morning sunshine.
982 When reading the Word of God,
look deep into the heart of the message,
instead of just glancing at the surface.
983 We all are God’s moons;
our lives revolve around him,
we belong to him,
he never leaves our side,
and we reflect his Son’s light out onto the world.
985 The love of God causes earthly lows to vanish,
like floodwater covering over the ground.
989 O how the light loves to reach into the darkness,
to break through the barricades and run free like a child,
to discover new territory and claim it for God,
to spread its contagious shining smile onto the face of the earth,
to cheer up his sad friend and to help his needy neighbour.
992 The greatest honour in the world
is to serve the Lord.
994 How strange a sight
is the moon in a clear blue sky;
but not even the moon can bear to be amongst darkness
all the while.
995 O Lord,
I know that you’re there,
because nothing would be here without you;
and I know that you care,
because I can feel your love.
1002 When you see the light,
take me by the hand.
1003 O God is good.
1005 Heaven is our home,
the earth is our garden.
1008 Some things are too beautiful for words,
and the Lord made them all!
1009 Dreams are an extension of reality,
they show life from a different perspective.
1011 Clean the inside of the dish,
for that is where I drink from.
1012 The more people there are around a solitary person,
the more that person’s loneliness is magnified.
1015 The world and everyone in it
rests in the loving arms of our Saviour.
He holds you preciously in his warm embrace;
and whether you love him or not,
he will remember you fondly forever.
1016 If you believe in Jesus,
your future is in heaven.
1017 I am like a baby in the womb -
I am waiting for life.
1019 There is a hole in my soul,
which only you can fill;
there is a space in my heart,
hoping for your love.
1020 Man may play with what exists,
but only God can create something new.
1021 If you reach out to Jesus,
he will lend you a hand
and pull you through all your troubles, all your life.
1025 I wish everyone had enough food to eat,
I wish everyone had a good place to sleep;
but much more than this,
I wish everyone knew Jesus.
1026 Every prayer is a fresh start,
every morning is a new chance;
every trouble is a hill to climb,
every question has an answer to find;
every problem is of life’s tests,
and every teardrop is for the best.
So trust in the Lord.
1027 There are flowers in the woods,
there are stars in the sky,
there is light in the world,
for on a cross our dear Lord died.
1032 There is only one way to life,
and that is through and with Jesus Christ.
1034 We are all flowers in the garden,
if we do not take in the water of God
we will surely wither and die.
1040 Every day is different,
like a cloud constantly changes its shape.
1041 Let your faith make you like the clouds:
for they are gentle and soft
and so light they float in the air;
but they have the power to shake the earth
and to split the night in two.
1046 Let the joy of God glisten in your soul,
like sunlight sparkles on the sea.
1047 May the Spirit of Christ mould you into a new creation,
like the tide shapes the beach.
1051 Be still my soul,
for the calmer the water,
the clearer the reflection.
1055 Sometimes I wonder,
how can this be -
this island of colour
in a darkness of sea,
this miracle of life
that is God, you and me?
1056 We are all training to be angels.
1057 Make heaven your resting place,
like a bird chooses the highest perch.
1059 All the wisdom a man needs,
is to know the Lord.
1063 Like the sun rises in the morning,
we all have hope thanks to Jesus.
1066 When you pray, it matters not whether you close your eyes,
but only that you open your heart.
1068 My sin becomes tears
and leaves my body through my eyes;
my guilt disappears,
because of the Lord’s overwhelming sacrifice.
1069 My faith is my only goodness,
for it is Christ living in my heart.
1072 Believe in him, for he came to save you;
trust in him, for he holds your life;
love him, for he loves you dearly;
thank him, for he died in your place;
praise him, he is Christ the Lord!
1075 The King of kings
rules on his eternal throne.
His kingdom is in heaven,
on the earth,
and in the hearts of men, women and children.
His sword is the truth,
and his crown is that of everlasting life.
1078 Never underestimate your service to God,
for every member is of use to the body.
1079 A man without dreams
is a field without rain,
a man without hope
will always be the same.
1080 Learn every day,
and grow like a tree.
1084 From one tree’s seed can come many more,
so it is with one who loves Lord Jesus.
1086 Like eyes close when faced with bright light,
so unbeliever’s hearts close when faced with God.
1089 It is always sunny above the clouds.
1090 What use is living and dying
if you do not know why?
1098 You cannot see,
if swallowed by darkness;
you cannot be wise,
and not know the Lord.
1101 Scatter the seed
and help it to grow;
let it fall on every field,
and not just your own.
1106 Every voice can be heard in heaven,
every prayer is treasured by God.
1111 Never be too proud to learn,
or too loud to listen.
1112 These words appear on the page,
like puddles formed from heavenly rain.
1116 Treat everyone with endearment and love,
in the name of Jesus.
1117 When you live, live for Christ;
so when your time has come,
he’ll lift you up out of your body
and into his Father’s arms,
like a mother carefully picks up her new-born baby.
1120 A spirit is not formed in the womb,
it comes from God himself.
1122 Be useful to him
who died for your sins.
1125 The Holy Spirit
is the bringer of blessings
and the porter of peace.
1127 A prayer is like a pool of water in the desert,
it is a tired man being picked up and carried home,
it is a wounded man being nursed back to health,
it is a lonely man having a friend to be with.
1128 Look after the world,
for it belongs to God.
1130 Listen for God’s words
in your own thoughts.
1131 God speaks to man in many ways,
so look for his messages,
and believe, trust, and learn from them all.
1136 Do not worry about the wind,
for who knows which way it will blow.
1137 How foolish you unbelievers are:
You explore the whole world
and never look to see what’s in your own heart.
1140 What will you think when your time is spent,
and to hear your judgement you are sent?
Will you regret the things you now do,
the words you speak and your hidden thoughts too?
Will you only pray when too late,
for fear of being locked forever outside heavens gates?
1144 My door is open for you all day,
and there is a room in my house for you always;
I am prepared and waiting for you to come,
so we can be together and live for ever as one.
1147 Your house will be in darkness,
if you do not bring the lamp in from outside.
1150 Do not let the dust settle in your soul,
sweep it clean with your love for Christ.
1151 Some people are not scared of the end until they reach it,
like the prey are not worried about the lion until caught in its
But it is too late then,
so you must repent now while you can.
1153 Make use of the light
while under the sun.
1155 Honour comes from -
humility, honesty and discipline.
1160 Those who share
are truly gifted.
1163 Goodness without faith will not save you.
For if you ignore the loving God who made you
then how can you be good?
1167 When you are born into the world, you are dropped from the
You are hurtling towards the bottom,
and the only way you can be saved,
is to call on the name of Jesus.
1170 Life is amazing!
It is too wonderful for man to understand.
1171 If you love Lord Jesus,
then your dreams shall not die with your body.
1174 When the day is new, the shadows are still long;
but they shorten as the day goes on,
as the sun grows brighter,
as it moves into the centre of the sky.
1177 Like a tree drops its seeds
down to the earth below,
under the wing of its canopy
with peace and hope to grow;
so the Lord God gave you life from his life.
1180 Why would you choose to walk in the rain,
why do you choose to sleep in the day;
why would you choose to ignore the light,
to cover the sun and dwell for ever in night?
1182 When you untie the rope,
the boat shall drift;
if you let go of your faith,
you will slide into the abyss.
1183 Praise God for the sign post in the sky,
for Jesus is the way unto life!
1190 The hardness in my heart through my eyes disappears,
by melting in truth and leaving in tears.
1193 The word of God blows like a wind around the world.
It affects all the leaves of all the trees.
Some leaves are taken up into the air.
Some leaves are moved, but stay on the trees.
Some leaves are not moved at all.
1203 The sound of a child at play,
melts my troubles away.
1204 Rain makes the grass grow,
and pain helps the spirit so.
1205 I want to be like the tallest trees,
for the sun comes and goes, and the wind surely blows,
and the weeks, months and years continually flows,
but they stand firm in their place,
above all those who race.
1208 If everyone opened their heart,
there would be so much love in the world.
We would all see how much the Lord loves us,
and how wonderful it is to love him,
and how beautiful life can be!
1209 Pride hinders wisdom,
but humility frees the way forward.
1210 Like plants need water to grow,
so we need the Holy Spirit to learn.
1217 If you want to be close to Jesus -
prayer can take you there.
1219 I am here to dry your tears,
and to chase away your fears,
to show you salvation is near,
and your Lord is soon to appear
in the clouds.
1220 A man with no faith,
is like a tree with no leaves.
1223 Never be afraid of telling the truth;
for if Jesus had not,
then he would not have been crucified,
and we would not
be able to enter heaven.
1224 When God’s hand touches you,
amazing things happen.
If you reach out a hand for Jesus,
angels shall lift you up to the heights of heaven,
where the rainbow meets God’s smile.
1225 Love for a Christian,
is a dream which comes true
and lasts for ever.
1226 God says to you, if you do not know me,
then what do you know?
Do you know more than the little birds,
I say no, for they sing to me.
Do you know more than the stars,
I tell you no, for they shine in my direction.
Do you know more than the trees,
for they strive to grow, to become closer to me.
Do you know more than the small children you rebuke;
I tell you the truth, even they are wiser than you.
It would have been better for you to have died at birth,
before you had committed any sin, and hoarded pride,
like a blind thief who didn’t even know what he was stealing.
But know this, if you do not live with me,
you will die without me.
1228 When you pray,
you do not need to kneel down,
or to fold your hands,
or to close your eyes,
or to bow your head;
for these are only bodily signs which the LORD cares not about.
He loves you - your inner heart and soul which gives life to your
You need not paint the outside of the house on my behalf,
but look after well, that which I see through the windows.
1230 My body touches the earth,
but my soul is a part of heaven.
1235 False hope is like thin ice,
but real hope is like the highest mountain.
1239 The light has come for you to see,
that God is there for you and me,
and to love his Son is to always be,
to live in heaven eternally.
1241 Angels are the flowers of heaven.
1243 Clouds are portraits of God’s feelings.
He paints his messages, signs and emotions
on the canvas of the sky.
1245 You will not believe the truth
unless you want to.
1246 If you harbour love for Jesus,
then you shall have a boat to save you from the flood.
1249 When you cry, I’ll hold you in my arms
and comfort you in my warm embrace,
so your tears run down my cheek.
This I do because I love you.
1253 My soul is like the small flame of a candle;
I reach upwards endlessly,
hoping to be with my Lord in heaven.
1255 Do not use money as a measuring rod for happiness,
as happiness in material terms is always out of reach.
1256 If you were cold
and there was a fire nearby,
would you not go and sit down beside it?
If you were in a desert, alone and thirsty,
and you came to an oasis,
would you not drink from it?
If you were lonely
and your friends came to see you,
would you not invite them into your house?
If you were drowning
and someone reached out their hand,
would you not take hold of it with all your strength?
So why do you refuse my love,
and why would you choose death instead of living with me?
I offer you everything, for you are my children;
if only you would be still for a moment and open your heart,
then you would see how much I love you.
1257 Like the eyes cannot see without light,
so the soul cannot learn the truth without Jesus.
1259 An army of cloud
stretches over the horizon;
they shine with light and fight for peace.
1262 Prayer is a two-way thing.
He who talks to God
without listening,
is of little use.
The more you listen to the Lord,
the greater your faith shall become.
God knows infinitely more than you,
so you would be wise to listen more than you speak.
1263 Why would you want to be a mother or a father?
Is it for your children to tell you how great you are for knowing
more than they,
or is it so you can love them, teach them and care for them all
your life?
1265 I care little for praise
but a lot for you.
1270 Open the mouth of your soul,
and the Lord will feed you the truth,
a little at a time,
all you can manage.
1271 If there were no God,
we could not dream of the future.
1273 Love is the most important aspect of faith.
Without love, faith is of the mind and not of the heart.
1276 Jesus is heavenly joy
amidst a world of sorrow,
a love so divine
brought forth here from tomorrow.
1279 When Christ rose into heaven,
he crossed the boundaries of death;
and now God the Holy Spirit,
shows us how to follow him,
into the day which lasts forever.
1280 The name of Jesus shines brightly in my soul,
and glows with goodness and love.
1283 Let God’s love wash over you,
like the tide coming in.
1285 There is nothing in this world like prayer.
For God it is like being on earth,
and for us it is like being in heaven!
1287 Listen while you pray,
to what God has to say.
1292 Prayer is the point on the cross
where heaven and earth meet.
1295 Ask the Lord why you breathe,
and what your life from his could one day be.
1297 There is nothing to learn
from an easy day.
1298 Like the trees we stand alone,
from tiny seeds to fully-grown;
the fallen ones have never known,
why it was that we were sown.
1301 This world doesn’t accept the good,
until it is gone.
1302 When I pray,
it’s like coming home
from being away.
1308 Prayers bring God into your life,
and hope unto your dreams.
Prayers go straight in to God’s heart,
and strengthen the bond between you.
Prayers reveal to you the answers
to the questions which God asks you.
Prayers are every one a gift from God,
so you can give blessings to others.
Prayers are a visual connection between heaven and earth,
so God and man can each see the other’s love.
1312 Mountains and trees,
lakes, rivers and streams,
all these I long to see,
while with my Lord I’ll be.
1314 A bird who can fly but stays on the ground,
a horse who can run but is locked in the stables,
a man who can pray but struggles alone.
1316 Hope of the morning helps me through the night;
my pain in a dark world is eclipsed by a future of light.
1318 Praying is the opposite of sleeping.
When you are in touch with God,
you are awake to the truth
and your eyes are fully open.
1320 Never close your heart at the end of a prayer,
and never let Amen mean goodbye.
1324 The truth stands out
like light in the darkness.
1331 The job of a Christian
is to love.
1332 Like a fish has to struggle against the tide,
so we have to suffer in order to move forward.
1335 I want to be where my soul can be free,
where the burdens of man can no longer reach,
where love is encouraged and blossoms in me,
and where-ever I look God’s face I see.
1336 God’s love
is the sunshine of the spirit.
1337 We are all living proof to the existence of God.
We are spirit from spirit,
life from life.
We ourselves are an answer to the question of faith.
1342 With fire in my heart
and eyes ablaze,
I will look to the Lord
and follow his ways.
1345 He who doesn’t listen to God,
finds faith only from secondary means.
1347 He who turns away God’s Spirit,
forsakes his own Creator,
and is as selfish as can be.
1355 The ungodly have no future,
so they concentrate on the present
and desecrate the earth.
1358 Love is the bridge between heaven and earth;
it is the pathway our prayers should take.
1362 Life is not a series of rituals,
nor a pit of habits which you fall into.
Life is a special gift from God,
which on knowing should fill you with joy and love.
1363 Like the winds move over every part of the world,
so does the love of God.
1364 The brightest star shines through the clouds,
as nothing can stop Jesus from loving you.
1369 Do not search for the truth
with half open eyes.
1370 Rest your soul
and calm the surging waters.
For in your mind
too many fish are swimming around,
so that you cannot catch one.
1373 Dreams are an undiscovered world;
a continuation of life in the soul,
while the body sleeps.
There is much to learn from dreams,
and many emotions you can reach.
Not all your dreams
are as they seem,
so open your mind
and see what they mean.
1376 The less you pray,
the more you’ll stray.
1377 I don’t believe in coincidence,
I believe in God.
1382 When many drops converge
they form an ocean,
which flows over the earth
and is full of life.
So it is with the church.
1384 Man sleeps in the shadow of the earth.
If he wants to make it into the morning of an eternal day,
he must awaken completely in the name of Jesus.
1391 When my Lord says, I love you,
it is like the sweetest music,
and the prettiest sound my soul could wish to hear.
1397 When there is light,
there are shadows also;
when there are stars,
there is darkness abound.
1398 The Christian and the unchristian are travelling in different
The Christian believer
comes closer to perfection
every day he prays,
as the Holy Spirit of God
illuminates the faults
and shows the way to alleviate them for good.
Every day he shares with Jesus,
renews his future completely,
and makes him another day younger,
and another day closer to paradise.
The unchristian however
are at their best
on the day they are born.
From there they drift farther into the abyss
with every selfish thought and action.
Still though can they turn
and fill all heaven with joy,
for the love which is felt forever.
1399 The soul sees more than the eyes,
and feels more than the fingertips.
1402 What do you do when temptations enclose you?
You pray, and God will show you a way out.
What do you do when the way forward is blocked?
You pray, and God shall give you wings so you can fly over your
What do you do when time surges past bringing darkness before
You pray, and God’s light shall surround you with peace.
What do you do when this world is too much?
You pray.
1405 On the backs of the faithless lie the wasted burdens of
hardship and suffering,
on the backs of Christians are spiritual wings of angels!
1408 The ungodly ignore the truth,
like shadows hide from the light.
1409 Your soul is a church -
a personal house of prayer,
a holy place of worship,
and where God and man meet in Jesus name.
1410 When I am not praying,
it is like I am holding my breath.
1415 Every day brings troubles,
but every prayer brings help.
Every day asks questions,
and every prayer gives an answer. |