Psalm 1
The eyes of the LORD are on you now,
they watch everything you do,
nothing goes unseen by them.
The ears of the LORD are pressed against your heart,
they hear your every word and know your deepest thoughts,
nothing in your heart is unknown to God.
Psalm 2
I stare in wonder
contemplating the wonder of God.
Almighty power and glory are his right hand,
yet he cares for me with such gracious love.
At the thought of his strength I dare not to speak,
but his healing love raises my courage
and I pour out my heart.
Loneliness and evil I trample under foot,
and I shall live at peace with my Maker for evermore.
Psalm 6
The Race of Life.
Run for your lives, all you children of men!
Run from the safety of your mother’s womb
and into the gates of heaven.
Nobody’s course shall be flat or easy going,
so climb the mountains and scale the walls,
wade through the torrents and endure the rain.
Watch out though, for you are pursued by the devil;
so do not be complacent and stand still
like the foolish who wait for death to overtake them;
keep moving forward, ever closer to salvation,
and listen to the guidance of your Teacher.
Your body will become tired and the pain may burn like fire,
but God will grant you the strength to carry on.
You must finish the race against evil
in order to win the prize, that of eternal life.
Hold the hand of God and he will pull you through
to crown you with his glory.
Let the love of the Lord be your fuel and strength.
The Lord awaits your arrival with high hopes,
so run into his open arms;
run for your life.
Psalm 8
O LORD God Almighty, how awesome is your strength and power!
If it was your desire you could kill me in an instant,
like a savage lion, you could rip me to pieces;
but my love for you far outweighs my fear,
and I come into your den and sit down at your side.
Even though I am afraid of disturbing you,
I call on your Name without hesitation.
My fear is overcome when I see your smiling face;
your welcoming compassion soothes my soul.
I somehow find favour in your eyes
and you use your strength to protect me.
You comfort me under your wing
and I feel safe.
Psalm 9
The light of God shines down on everyone,
but it reflects off some people and is not taken in,
like water off a duck’s back.
The words of God rain down upon them,
but just rest on the surface and evaporate
along with their chance of salvation.
They are like ground which receives no water from the springs of heaven,
their hearts become hardened and they return to dust.
The wise though soak up the light of God,
and their souls can be seen shining brightly through their eyes.
The words of the Lord sink in to their minds like a sponge,
and their hearts are softened by God’s love.
Psalm 10
I call on the Name of the LORD,
who hears my prayers and consoles my heart.
He awaits my attention
with loving anticipation.
He grants all my admiral requests
and forgives me for my selfish pleas.
He blesses me with far more than I deserve.
He knows what I will ask of him
even long before I,
and has his perfect answers prepared.
When my mind is racing,
he stills it with peace.
When doubts arise like an approaching enemy,
he slays them with his truth.
When the clouds of confusion gather,
his Son’s teaching clears my sight,
and light fills my soul once more.
So thankyou Jesus for showing me the way,
and thankyou Father for always being right behind me.
This is why I call on the Name of the LORD!
Psalm 11
If you invite the Lord into your life,
even the darkest night
shall be like a light summer evening.
You will be able to see clearly
all the way to heaven.
You will know exactly where you are going
by following the footsteps of Jesus,
who goes on before you,
preparing your path.
When you are frightened,
he’ll hold your hand.
When you are tired,
he’ll carry you.
When you are lonely,
he’ll show you his love.
When you are attacked,
he’ll beat off your enemies.
When you fall down,
he’ll pick you up.
Whatever you need,
he’ll give to you.
Whenever you need him,
he’ll be there.
But you will never know how much the Lord loves you,
unless you call on his Name.
Psalm 14
Glory be to God, Creator of heaven and earth,
the One who gives flight to birds
and breath to new-born babies!
Thanks be to God, our devoted Father,
as he allows himself no sleep,
so he can always carefully watch his beloved children.
Praise be to God, for he is good,
and his love lights up our hearts!
Psalm 15
Everyone and everything that can be seen with the eye
lets me down,
the only One I can rely on is invisible!
The LORD our God is trustworthy and righteous
and he endures for ever.
He is my Rock, I can lean on him;
he supports me when I am weary.
I build my foundations on his solid love,
so my house can never be washed away.
Psalm 17
The ungodly are freefalling down to their grave,
their lives falling away faster and faster,
and yet they hardly even notice.
Age creeps up on them, closely followed by the shadow of death,
and when they finally realise, they are terrified.
Self-pity engulfs them in darkness,
and they blame everybody else for their wasted lives.
Do not be like them my children,
but follow the way of my chosen ones.
The godly look forward to their final day with real hope,
but also make the most of their time on earth.
Their lives are filled with joy and love
and happiness follows them wherever they go.
Immortality comforts them and they stay young forever.
Although their bodies grow older,
their souls remain as fresh as a child’s.
Psalm 19
How beautiful is the moon,
this graceful creation of the LORD.
It sits in the sky,
like a smiling mouth in the face of night.
It glows brightly like a shining eye
watching over the sleeping.
It points to its brother the sun,
and is a reminder that light is always nearby,
even when it cannot be seen.
Praise the LORD,
for the moon is beautiful!
Psalm 21
Look carefully at the birds of the air
and learn from their ways.
They enjoy complete freedom -
no chains hold them to the ground.
They are small and innocent,
and so sit on lofty perches;
the whole world is under them.
The LORD provides them with plenty to eat,
and loves watching them play and sing.
They fly around at dusk,
making use of the light before it fades into darkness.
They rest at night, waiting patiently for the new day.
When dawn comes, they cannot contain their delight
and sing for joy.
The LORD loves the little birds and their simple ways,
but mankind is far more precious to him.
Psalm 24
Look beyond the birds flying in the air;
beyond the clouds floating in the sky;
beyond the moon, the sun and even the stars, shining from afar;
and there I am in all my glory!
Psalm 26
Pronounce the glory of the living God!
Hold aloft a banner of his Son’s Name
so that every eye in the world can see.
Let every man, woman and child put down their wicked weapons,
and walk towards the open arms of their loving Father.
Let every knee be bent and every heart be humble
and overflowing with God’s rich blessings!
Take off those cloaks of lies, for they do not suit you,
and they are worn out and full of holes.
Put on the splendid robes of truth
that the Lord passes down to you,
and wear them with honour,
for they adorn you with purity.
Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens,
lift up your hands and declare his glory,
lift up your voices and speak of your joy,
open your hearts and give him your love!
Psalm 27
In order for children to learn the lessons of life,
they must leave their mother’s side to play on their own.
Their mother watches over them from closeby though,
and never lets them out of her sight.
So it is with you and I,
I am your Father
and you are all my children.
I love you more than you will ever know,
and am grieved when you ignore me.
I love watching you play from nearby,
but when you return to my side I am filled with joy!
When you run away and become lost in the darkness
I am deeply distressed,
but when I find you I am moved to tears,
and all heaven rejoices under me!
So when your path leads uphill and you are gasping for breath,
look to me, your Father, and I will carry you.
Psalm 29
The Colours of Life.
Green - is for the leaves on the plants and trees,
which nourish the air for us to breathe,
and sway gently in the wind.
It is for the crops that give us food
and the grasses which cover the land.
Yellow - is for the sand on the seashores,
which hold back the mighty waters,
and for the crystals of the desert plains.
It is for the sun which gave birth to daylight.
Blue - is for the waters of the world,
the deep oceans, rivers and streams
that carry life to our flesh,
and cleans our bodies and refreshes our souls.
It is for the blue sky so beautiful,
my eyes never tire of seeing it.
Red - is for blood,
the lifeblood of every living creature
that God designed and made.
White - is for purity and hope,
and for the kingdom of heaven -
the eternal resting place that God shares with his children.
It is for the clouds so powerful that march across the earth.
It is for the stars and the moon
which light our way until the sun rises,
and are a perfect contrast to the blackness of night.
Psalm 30
The Lord your God is everywhere,
he is in the wind and in the air.
He dances over the fields
and whistles through the trees.
He flies over the deserts
and roams through the streets.
When he sits on a high mountain,
his feet are in the valley.
He treads on islands in the sea
as if they were merely stepping stones in a stream.
But the place the Lord likes being the most
is inside our hearts!
Psalm 31
The earth lies in the heart of the heavens;
God’s sanctuary surrounds it in every direction.
Wherever you stand around the world,
the heavens are always above you.
God’s Spirit fills the heavens
and overflows through the farthest gates,
lighting up the darkness wherever it reaches.
As the heavens engulf the earth,
so does God himself,
and that is how he can see all around the world.
Praise the LORD for his pure white palace!
Inside it is clean and fresh
and shines brightly like a crystal.
All who live there breathe in love
as if it were air.
Light is abundant and so night never comes.
The most beautiful thing in heaven though,
is the King!
His radiance fills every spirit with joy and love;
his splendour and majesty is a great honour to behold.
This is what awaits all who believe in the LORD and follow his ways,
and acknowledge Jesus Christ as his Son.
Psalm 32
The LORD’S love is the most special thing in the world,
it is more precious than life itself.
It sparkles and glistens
more than any jewel that comes from the earth,
and so is priceless.
It has more colours than a rainbow
and shines brighter than the sun.
It is more refreshing than a waterfall
and purer than a natural spring.
It is prettier than the sky
and deeper than the ocean.
The love of the LORD belongs to anyone who wants it;
all you have to do is ask him solemnly
and the heavens shall be opened,
and his love will rain down upon you,
drenching your cheek with tears of joy!
So all who have a mouth, praise the Lord,
and all who have a heart, pray to him.
Psalm 38
Here I am, standing on a single rock -
a small stepping stone amidst a sea of darkness.
Emptiness surrounds me,
and the raging torrents of evil surge past unceasingly,
desperately trying to sweep me away.
But there is hope,
a light in the distance.
His name is the Lord Jesus Christ,
and his love reaches into my heart
and shines through my eyes.
With his help I can stand firm
and fend off the approaches of my adversary.
When the waters rage high, I may become wet,
but I will never drown.
As the LORD gives me everything I need to survive,
until the wonderful moment comes when he is ready for me to join him
in the kingdom of light;
the moment I have been dreaming of all my life!
Psalm 39
Love is why we are here
Love is how we are here
Love is what God made us for
Love is the reason why God gave his Son for us
Love is the meaning of life
and the power of life
Love is the wonder of life
and the sustainer of life
Love is pure joy and satisfaction
Love is the purpose of hope
Love is what the soul hungers for
and what the heart dishes out
Love is what God feels for us
Love is why we are here
Psalm 40
Everyone needs a reason for living,
every soul yearns for someone to love.
To open the heart as wide as it goes,
and then be filled with comfort and happiness.
Every heart dreams of a love which is endless,
every mind hopes for someone to think of.
To be thought of and loved in the heart of another,
is an aspiration so special it outshines the sun.
Everyone needs a light to look up to,
everyone needs some help in this world.
To get through this life is easy for no-one,
but harder for those with no hand to hold.
Everyone needs the Lord.
Psalm 42
Angels are singing and trumpets are sounding,
for the truth is known in men’s hearts!
God’s face is smiling and his saints are rejoicing,
for the love of man is his comfort and joy!
Love is the purpose of our lives -
it is the answer to our questions.
God is the Ocean of Love,
and each one of us is but one tear drop.
Love is God’s greatest creation:
it sparkles more than the stars,
shines brighter than the sun,
and smiles wider than the moon.
Love is older than the earth
and newer than the heavens.
Love is the water that refreshes our God,
so give him all you have, for he is thirsty.
Psalm 43
Love is like the world.
Love is like the ocean -
it holds such great power
and stretches over the horizon.
It goes down deeper
than our minds can fathom.
Love is like the sky -
sometimes it is clear, bright and colourful;
sometimes it is cloudy and grey,
and makes rain fall like tears from heaven.
Love is like the land -
it supports us in this life
and gives us something to build our hope on.
Thank God for making the world
and for giving us love! AMEN
Psalm 45
It’s a long walk up to heaven.
Much suffering must you endure along the way,
many times from the path you’ll stray,
many tears you must cry,
many times you’ll wonder why,
many steps you’ll have to take,
many dreams you’ll have to break,
many lessons you must learn,
many bridges you must burn;
for it’s a long walk up to heaven,
but Jesus is with you every step of the way,
as he lives in your heart and he’s there to stay!
Psalm 46
The Lord is in heaven,
when I think of him I am in heaven too!
I put the world and its ways behind me
and look to God.
His face fills my sight and I feel close to him.
The Lord turns me around
to show me the earth.
Suddenly I cannot see him,
but the horrible things going on in the world.
I feel far away from the arms of my Father,
even though he is right behind me with a tear in his eye.
As soon as I have learnt the lesson,
he bends down and turns me round
so I can see him again.
He pulls me close and comforts me in his arms,
where I want to stay for ever.
Psalm 47
Come to me my children,
for it is time you held my hand;
love me my children,
for I want you to understand
how much you mean to me,
and that I will always be
here for you.
Pray to me my children,
for I love to hear your words;
sing to me my children,
sing for me like the birds,
as the sweet tones of your hearts -
a broad smile on my face imparts,
because I love you.
Look to me my children,
no matter where you are;
look for me my children,
for though I am further than the stars,
I hold you in my arms
and will never let you fall.
Your worries I take from you,
my comfort I give to you,
for you are my children.
Psalm 49
I care for the wind,
I care for the trees,
I care for the oceans
and the life underneath.
I care for the animals,
I care for the birds,
I care for everything
that roams on the world.
I care for the rain,
I care for the sun,
I care for the stars,
for each and every one.
I care for the earth,
I care for the moon,
but most of all my children,
I care for you.
Psalm 50
Jump from your boat,
for it is steadily sinking -
cast yourself into the water
and swim to the island of my love.
Stand on its solid ground
and set your feet upon the Rock.
Lift your hands up to the heavens
and praise the Lord with tears of thanks,
for arriving at the place of salvation,
for landing upon the shores of redemption.
Look for me in your heart
and you will see me standing on my island,
where the day lasts forever,
waving to you, waiting for you,
to join me in paradise.